Nutrypollo is “synonymous with total quality”

Nutrypollo Plant

Mexican poultry processor Nutrypollo, a second generation family business, is committed to maintain top quality.

As a fully integrated company with a processing capacity of 12,000 bph (200 bpm), Nutrypollo has earned its position as one of Mexico’s best-known poultry processing companies through their commitment to “the art of the good breeder”. Nutrypollo, a second generation family business, takes pride that their company is “synonymous with total quality”. 

Their commitment to quality brought a natural fit to partner with Marel Poultry to build the first demonstration plant showcasing a full Marel poultry processing evisceration, killing and selection line in Mexico. The project, which began in 2012, includes an entire Nuova evisceration line, with giblet harvesting and handling. Additionally, Marel stunning, killing and picking solutions were installed.


When the time came for expansion, Nutrypollo looked for a solutions provider that they could trust to achieve their plans of reaching capacities of 12,000 bph (200 bpm). “We chose Stork Poultry Processing because the brand is known for its quality,” says General Manager Cesar Quesada. “The name gives us confidence.”

See results first

Because they trusted the brand, Nutrypollo wanted to benefit from the latest in processing technologies at very high line speeds and also be the first to show Stork’s equipment, solutions and performance to important Mexican customers. “We see Marel Poultry as high tech and a leader in the meat processing market but we had to see results at 12,0000 bph,” adds Senor Quesada.

The results are in and everyone is pleased with how the line is running. Two years ago, the plant was processing 60,000 birds per day with 20 people operating in evisceration on an eight-hour shift. Now, Nutrypollo is running 80,000 birds per day, without overtime, and it only takes six hours.

The faster, the better

“We had invested lots of time into getting very good results from our old equipment. But we didn’t know how much time we had to invest to get at least the same results with our new equipment. At first the line ran at 8,400 bph (140 bpm), but later on, we increased the speed, with new automatic harvesting equipment added. To our surprise, the faster we ran the new line the better everything worked, and finally, at full speed, we got the best results,” says Marketing Director Patricio Quesada.

Service after the sale

Equally important to Nutrypollo is the partnership after the sale. They wanted to be sure they could maintain the equipment at a high-performance level, also at higher line speeds. Here again, their trust in Marel Poultry and the mutual relationship were decisive. That’s why the company signed a two-year Premium Hardware Service Level Agreement for their EV equipment, covering parts and labor.

Maintaining top quality

“Now our processing plant is a reference to quality and innovation in our region and we are always happy to invite our customers. So they can understand that the high quality of our chicken comes from maintaining top quality in all of the processes, from hatching to distribution, and especially those processes that can really make a difference and can literally be seen and felt in our final product. We take special pride in our plant because every single customer, supplier or colleague tells us that it’s the best looking and one of the most modern plants they’ve ever seen,” says Patricio Quesada.

About Nutrypollo

From their beginning as an egg-laying farm in 1950 by Mr. Bernardo Quesada de Alba, father of General Director Mr. Jorge Quesada Moran, to the start of the broiler business in 1963, to their newest successes running at 12,000 bph (200 bpm), the company has enjoyed more than 50 years in the Mexican market. Their commitment to quality and seeking out the newest and highest levels of technology from partners they trust is their strategy. 

The success of this large expansion project and the excellent results have positioned Nutrypollo well for future plans. They want to expand their product offerings into further processed products, grow their rotisserie sales and increase their scope of supply to include some other regions of Mexico like Jalisco. Marel is committed to helping Nutrypollo to achieve their goals.

From left to right: On behalf of Nutrypollo: Alejandro Pineda, Francisco Guevara, Patricio Quesada (Plant Manager), Salvador and Armando Hermosillo. On behalf of Marel Poultry: Gerardo Jimenez, Edwin de Koning, Koen Serrarens and Christjan van Haperen.

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