B36 Portion Cutter

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This notification states the End of Sale (EOS) for the B36 (Machine code LR0305, same as I-Cut 36).

The EOS date is 15/09/10. After this date, the product can no longer be purchased.

The decision to remove the product from sale has been made due to obsolete components and to ensure a sufficient remaining service life.

A partially substitute for this machine would be:

  • Marel I-Cut 11
  • Machine code LR0321


  • Marel I-Cut 130
  • Machine code LR0309

Please contact your local sales or service representative for further information on the replacement products as well as information about how Marel can assist and guide you through the EOL process with minimal inconvenience.

This notice serves as a formal communication of Marel’s decision to end the life of the product noted.
Content herein is not intended to supersede existing contractual commitments of Marel.

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