Reconnection in Brasil at Tecnocarne 2022

Tecnocarne 2022 Stand

After three years of digital-only connections, visitors and exhibitors enthusiastically reconnected in person at the Tecnocarne and Fispal Tecnologia 2022, Sao Paulo. It was the perfect chance for Marel to strengthen relationships and introduce visitors to how connectivity is shaping the future of food processing for the meat, poultry, and retail and food services industries.

Tecnocarne 2022 Democenter Brazil

From June 21st to 24th, Tecnocarne opened its doors. Across the four days, visitors had a chance to inspect over 350 exhibitors from the food industry. To coincide with the exhibition, Marel invited Latin American customers to spend a morning exploring our new Campinas Demonstration Center and see our latest equipment in action.

Tecnocarne 2022 Stand Livestream

Live-action at the demo center

“Tecnocarne was a great opportunity to introduce our new home to poultry and red meat processors. Those who were at the new Demonstration Center in Campinas could experience live demonstrations directed by the requests of each customer, with real products in a controlled environment. We’re ready to transform protein processing in Latin America,” said Patricia Furlan, Regional Marketing Manager for Marel.

Over three days, more than 100 representatives of 30 companies participated in the live demonstrations at Campinas. Our regional experts were excited to show their guests the latest innovative equipment and software actively processing meat and poultry proteins.

Demonstrations were streamed back to Marel’s stand at Tecnocarne each afternoon, ensuring even those who didn’t make the morning adventure could experience the latest innovations in meat, poultry, and retail and food services processing.

Convenience Food Line

At Tecnocarne, Marel introduce the combined portfolios of Marel, Sulmaq, TREIF and Maja. With the experience and knowledge of four industry leaders in portioning coming together under one brand, Latin American food processors will accelerate their businesses into the future with innovative equipment and local support.

Innova Food Processing Software

Ensuring processors can meet the most demanding market requirements. Innova software covers simple device control, full-line production integration and anything in between. Innova Food Processing Software can increase throughput, reduce giveaway and manage traceability for products from farm to shelf, adding value and control to food processing businesses.


Poultry processors had a chance to see how the IRIS (Intelligent, Reporting, Inspection & Selection) system helps maximize profits. With a data-driven approach for early product assessment, processors can adjust supply to demand. IRIS gives processors early insight into the quality of flocks and products so they can plan accurately, transforming every product into its most profitable form.


A connected software solution to improve performance with real-time insight. IMPAQT software identifies issues in availability, performance and quality. Revealing the precise reason for any production inefficiency enabling operators to optimize primary processing, increasing yield and performance.

Automate to optimize

Marel integrates intelligent software and advanced technology to full-line solutions in the pork and beef primary industries, so processors can optimize raw material utilization while reducing their dependency on labor.

Continuing the connection

Visitors to our booth and demonstration center saw firsthand how Marel is driving the transformation of processing in the meat, poultry, and retail and food services industries. Using innovation in automated and digital solutions to connect entire production lines, address labor scarcity and give food processors the flexibility to adapt to the rapid changes of today’s market.

Tecnocarne 2022 Stand Crew

Reflecting on the show, Fernando Roos, Regional Sales Director for Meat Marel, said, “The Tecnocarne week has been an important moment to meet friends again and demonstrate how important Brazilian customers, Latinos and their businesses are to Marel.”

Ruud Berkers, Regional Sales Director for Poultry, Marel, agreed, “We had a great exhibition, making good contacts at the Marel booth and on-site demonstrations at our new Progress Point demonstration and training center in Campinas.”

Thank you to everyone who visited us at Tecnocarne and the Campinas Demo Center. We look forward to many more in-person shows and continuing connections.

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