
Marel Blood Collection system

For efficient and hygienic collection of blood

  • Fulfills all EU and USDA veterinary and hygienic standards
  • Full traceability, which allows for post-mortem inspection
  • Approx. 3 liters per pig/15 liters per cattle can be hygienically collected


Hygiene is a top priority in the Marel Blood Collection system. Approximately 85% of the blood is collected from every animal. Yields depend on many factors, such as the size of the animals, killing speed and experience of the stickers, but generally about 3 liters can be collected per pig.

The blood is collected from the pig with a hollow knife, hose and pump to direct the blood away from the stick wound straight into a covered stainless-steel container.

Between each batch, all parts in contact with the blood are sanitized. It is also possible to make a batch-wise collection of blood with full traceability to allow post-mortem inspection.

  • Capacity of up to 1,000 pigs per hour
  • Knife is sanitized between each animal sticking
  • Full traceability for post-mortem inspection


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

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