Highlights from Global reach event in CMD 360° series

CMD Global Reach

On 18 November, Marel hosted it Global reach virtual event, where Ulrika Lindberg Executive Vice President of Global Markets and Service and Gudbjorg Heida Gudmundsdottir Executive Vice President of Fish showcased Marel’s unique sales and service network worldwide. The virtual event is part of our Capital Markets Day 360° mini-series providing a comprehensive overview of how Marel delivers growth—globally, digitally and sustainably.

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Local presence supported by global expertise

Ulrika and Gudbjorg, joined by Marel management in China, Australia and Europe, gave insights into Marel’s global network which includes experts from over 40 nationalities spread across 30 locations reaching customers in over 140 countries across six continents. Marel’s global reach has proven to be a key differentiating factor during the past two years.

“Our local presence is the foundation of our global reach and is absolutely key to our success in terms of staying ahead of the market trends, growing these markets and securing important long-term partnership with our customers that we both enjoy,” said Ulrika in her keynote presentation.

Three S’s to support growth: service, spares and software

Step by step, Marel has strengthened its global network building up expertise in local markets to meet customers' feedback asking for closeness. Going forward, our steadfast investment in the company’s infrastructure—including our global reach—will play an important role for Marel to achieve its 2017-2026 growth targets.

“We have a clear plan for our service journey and that is one of the reasons why aftermarket revenues have reached 40% of our total revenues,” says Ulrika. “We aim to grow the three S’s, service and spares, with the added value coming from software, to 50% of total revenues by year-end 2026.”

CMD Global Reach Live 1

A customer centric approach from the ground up

Customers have indicated they want to engage with people who understand their culture, specific needs, and operate in the same time zone and speak the same language.

In her keynote presentation, Gudbjorg Heida highlighted examples of Marel’s partnership with customers, for example in Brazil and UK, and the importance of closeness to ensure that Marel solutions and software enable customers to optimize their production and meet rapidly evolving market trends and consumer demands.

“Needless to say, our customers’ processing plants need to be up and running every single day, almost every hour of the day. So being close to them and on hand to support them is an imperative.”

She elaborated on Marel’s global reach in ensuring closeness to customers; “being global gives us the speed and knowledge to transfer between markets and being local enables us to support our customers on site. Moreover, by being global, we have the investment strength and innovation power to meet the needs of our customers and those of end consumers into the future.”

CMD Global Reach Live 3

In-depth perspective during live Q&A

The event concluded with a live Q&A with a range of questions on a variety of interesting topics. The questions were an excellent opportunity for Ulrika and Gudbjorg to dive deeper into topics ranging from developments in Marel’s aftermarket offering, changing consumer preferences and emerging market trends, the rise of eCommerce, and the vertical integration by food producers up and down the value chain in addition to Marel’s ability to help customers expand into new markets and geographies. They were joined by joined by Diego Lages, Sales Director for Fish and David Bertelsen Regional Managing Director for Asia and Oceania, who gave interesting examples from the many customer relationships Marel enjoys around the world.

CMD Global Reach Live 2

Join our Capital Markets Day 360° mini-series: live and on-demand

The 360° mini-series consists of a virtual site visit to Marel in Iceland and four virtual events centered on four key features of Marel’s unique equity story and the future of food processing: growth, global reach, digitalization and sustainability.

Register for our upcoming virtual events in the 360° mini-series:

Watch on-demand recordings of past virtual events:

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