M2000 terminal

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This End- of- Life notice involves the Manufacture Discontinue and EOL of the M2000 terminal. The equipment has been discontinued due to the fact that it is based on technology that is obsolete, as well as the unavailability of spare parts. The M2000 has been replaced by new and more advanced terminals in the company’s product catalogue.

This notice serves as formal communication of Marel Food Systems’ decision to end the life of the product noted.

Marel Food Systems will continue to support the M2000 with spare parts while they are available.

We apologize for the inconvenience that this end-of-life may cause our valued customers. We will do everything possible to provide spare parts when you need them.

However, the discontinuation of the manufacturing of spare parts by some of our suppliers will render this impossible at some point in the near future.

Content herein is not intended to supersede existing contractual commitments of Marel Food Systems.

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